What Should I Expect?
Experience a warm and friendly atmosphere; we welcome you with open arms, smiles, hugs, and encouragement to be yourself. We believe God uses the same gospel to save people, no matter how different they are.
What are Impact’s Worship Service times?
Join us for worship at 9:00am or 11:15am, in-person or via livestream. Our worship service will be held at 1515 Jerome Lane, Cahokia Heights, IL 62206.
What should I wear?
People dress casually, but there might be an occasional man with a tie and a woman with a dress. We specialize in people, not clothes.
Does Impact have prayer service?
Join us for Corporate Prayer on Thursdays at 7am via conference call (314) 627-5055 or 6pm on Facebook Live & You Tube with Pastor Ron A Young.
Is there something for my children?
Our Youth Ministry indeed provides activities for young people of all ages. During our 9:00am and 11:15am services, we have Pre-Zone for ages 0-5, I-Zone for ages 6-12, and TAG (Teens) for ages 13-17. We invite parents to bring their children and teens to Pre-Zone, I-Zone, and TAG to explore and learn.
How do I become a member of Impact Church?
To join the Impact Church family, you must first profess a hope in Jesus Christ. Then each new member must attend Sync Link our new members class, which will discuss the nature, mission, vision and the scope of Impact Church STL.
How do I get involved in the Ministry?
Upon completing Sync Link, our new member course encourages new members to immediately begin fulfilling their basic responsibilities as servants of Christ.
If you have questions, please email us at impactchurchstl@yahoo.com