Impact Church St. Louis Music & Cultural Arts Ministry is a comprehensive ministry that meets the performing arts needs of the diverse body of members of Impact Church St. Louis. The music and cultural arts ministry includes musical sects of choirs, mime dance, praise (liturgical) dance, spoken word (Poetry) and drama. We strive to deliver these diverse forms of arts in excellence through live performance during worship services. (which are transferred through forms of media; audio and visual).
We are passionate about Christian worship through arts and we embrace the values that it contributes to our church and society. Therefore, we are energetic about our creativity and we will continue to grow in innovative and proactive ways to enhance the mission, vision, core principles, and goals here at Impact Church St. Louis.
We believe that our corporate worship should extend the relationship we have with God. Privately. When we join in one accord to worship the Lord as the singers and musicians did in II Chronicles 5:13-14, we believe that the tangible presence of almighty God will fill the sanctuary, resulting in changed, transformed, and renewed lives.
The purpose of the music & cultural arts is to develop and maintain a culture of a people that will freely praise God with the expresses of their hands, feet, and mouth. We want to also develop a culture where worship is our lifestyle. Understanding that through our gifts of singing, dancing, poetry, and drama, we are used as instruments of praise and vessels of worship to create an atmosphere that is conducive for the spirit of God.